Owning an air compressor can open up all kinds of possibilities for air-powered tools and projects. With the Rolair Model VT25BIG, that potential can be seized with some additional conveniences. With 6.5 CFM at 90 psi, the VT25BIG has the highest air output of any direct drive air compressor Rolair makes. It’s enough to power 1 reversible drill or several smaller tools at once. Thanks to the built-in wheels, that power’s easily made mobile. The handle can also be folded down for storing in a shop or in the back of a work-van. Model VT25BIG can do all this while working at pressures as high as 135 psi. With those capabilities, it could be a great asset to those needing portable power for pneumatic tools or car repair.Features:Portable|Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H):31.00 x 20.00 x 43.00 Inches
Rolair VT25BIG 5.3 Gallon Electric Wheeled Portable Compressor for tires & tools
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